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Special Project

Special Project
From the 2nd Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

#ExperianStories: Using Data for Good

Entered in Facebook Presence


We are proud of all the ways Experian employees are using data science to improve our world. The #ExperianStories Facebook campaign was developed to feature specific employees -- and share the ways they are helping their local communities. These personal stories featured employees from countries in Latin America, Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America.

Strategy and Execution

Facebook is the most popular social network around the world, and the most effective channel for us to promote these stories in the regions where our employees work. The strategy included featuring a different employee every week on Facebook, along with their personal story on how they are making our world a better place.

The story was pinned to the top of our global Facebook page for the entire week and promoted to the various regions where our employees work. The targeted posts were scheduled to help us reach the right audiences at the right time. We also had an internal communication plan to ensure our employees around the world would get notified about the story through our intranet.

Along with the blog posts, we also created visuals to highlight key quotes from our employees with their photos taken with their personal phone (for authenticity). We also used hashtags on Facebook to help us earn more organic views and sharing of our posts.

Since we were promoting content about different employees in different regions, we would schedule out posts at times when that specific audience would most likely be online. Many of these posts were scheduled on Sundays, which we discovered to be a great day to get maximum engagement in different parts of the world.


We focused our efforts on targeting people on Facebook who are interested in data philanthropy across different regions.

Over the course of 6 months (January 2017 - June 2017), the #ExperianStories campaign reached over 5.8 million people on Facebook and earned over 1.3 million likes/shares. On average, our #ExperianStories posts received +40,000 engagements (e.g. likes, hearts, shares).

These stats were surprising since our global Facebook page was recently launched and had less than 10,000 fans. This helps to show the strength of our global community.

Some popular posts included:

Using Data to Uncover & Address a Literary Crisis in England (70K Likes)

Leveraging Alternative Data to Help "Credit Invisibles" in Colombia (63K Likes)

Data Science is Helping People with Thin Credit Files Secure Loans in India (58K Likes)

Helping Hospitals Prevent Identity Theft to Protect Patients from Fraud (55K Likes)

There was a total of 1,462,109 people talking about this campaign on Facebook during this period.


Video for #ExperianStories: Using Data for Good

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