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Special Project

Special Project
From the 1st Annual Shorty Social Good Awards

Technology Enabling A Better World

Entered in Business to Business


As an "ingredient brand" we wanted to highlight examples of customer collaboration that led to innovative products or programs that create a better world for all of us. The intent was to raise awareness of our customers' work and how our technology was helping to power their results. We aimed to create mutual benefit by developing and publicizing case studies on products or programs that result in social good.

Strategy and Execution

We worked with our sales force to create a pipeline of social good case studies and made them the centerpiece of our annual corporate responsibility report. We seeked out innovative and local projects that demonstrated a greater return to the community or society at large. As a technology company, we also wanted case studies that pushed the envelope of what is possible. We developed a campaign that focused on the collaboration between AMD and our customer, and on the impact of their work. We delivered this work through two main vehicles - our CR report and our website - each with a slightly different interpretation. I've included our lead in for each below.

CR Report


We are inspired by how digital technology has improved our world. From helping students learn to innovative new therapies for veterans, to even mapping the universe we live in, AMD technology is opening new doors to a better world.


Technology Enabling a Better World

Art is inspired by life, much in the same way as AMD innovations are inspired by life — by people, and what they can accomplish with the right technology.

AMD is a company that dares to imagine a better world, and takes inspiration from our customers to deliver innovative solutions to the challenges and possibilities of our digital age. We don't create technology for technology's sake, we innovate for you and what you can achieve.


Our web analytics team has reported a 246% YoY growth in traffic to the CR section of our website. Our sales team requested we create additional materials (PPT and PDFs) that would enable them to better share the information with current or prospective customers. We've been invited to share more details on the case studies at conferences, customer meetings and at internal department meetings. Our marketing team is also looking at how to best use our case studies to connect with our consumers through much broader and better financed campaigns. We are in the process of creating more case studies with other customers who want to take advantage of the additional publicity.


Video for Technology Enabling A Better World

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