As The Online News Network, TYT sets the standard in digital news with unmatched influence and growing reach. TYT set out to move generations of viewers toward the network’s mission of driving positive change. The flagship show, The Young Turks, was the first news partner on YouTube and remains a powerful voice in online media because their coverage is grounded in credibility and the truth.
In 2024, TYT provided four days of live coverage of the Democratic National Convention, delivering honest news and commentary to keep its viewers engaged and informed. TYT coverage included in-depth analysis, passionate interviews and discussions, and their signature commitment to truth and factual reporting.
TYT relies on its audience’s membership and support to deliver impactful coverage. They engaged with viewers through live comments, live chat, and fundraising. The audience’s viewership and support were the backbone of TYT’s presence at the DNC.
Some of their interviews at the DNC include Sean Astin, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Dean Phillips, and more.
On-air elements and engagement in the live YouTube chat helped promote TYT's fundraising efforts and membership drive. Overall, TYT raised over $50k and had nearly 1k new members.