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Smile 2 Curses Twitch

Entered in Other Platform Partnership


For Smile 2, our goal was to reinvent digital horror marketing by transforming Twitch into an immersive, influencer-led storytelling platform. Instead of traditional ads or influencer endorsements, we sought to turn streamers into unwitting protagonists in a real-time horror experience - leveraging their authentic reactions to drive organic engagement.

Recognizing that Gen Z and Millennial horror fans favour interactive entertainment over passive advertising - we strategically embedded Smile 2’s core horror motif (a sinister, contagious curse) into Twitch’s live Raid mechanic; allowing influencers to “infect” one another - creating a chilling daisy-chain effect.

Key Goals:

This was influencer-fuelled horror storytelling at its most ambitious; setting a new standard for digital film promotion.


To make Smile 2 a Twitch-first horror experience; we crafted a live, evolving nightmare - adapted to each influencer’s unique stream.

A New Kind of Interactive Horror

Instead of hiring influencers to promote the film through pre-scripted content, we turned streamers into Horror victims - activating participants who were trapped in a terrifying, real-time narrative.

  1. Bespoke “Terror Toolkit” for Streamers
    • Each influencer received a custom horror admin panel for producers to control at random moment, which included VFX glitches, sound cues, and movie footage jump scare overlays 
    • An admin-controlled dashboard allowed real-time activation of jump scares, ensuring unpredictability
  2. Twitch Raids as a Horror Mechanic
    • When a "cursed" streamer ended their broadcast, they “Raided” another influencer, passing the “Smile curse” live on air. This created an organic, must-watch event, as fans followed the curse across multiple Twitch channels, eager to see what happened next!
  3. Integrated Gameplay Elements
    • Streamers played as Call of Duty Smile 2-branded skins and weapon -embedding the film into real-time gameplay

Challenges & Solutions

This wasn’t just a sponsored stream or ad - this was a true real-time horror event, where influencers became both the audience and the victims! 


The live stunt was executed in three distinct phases:

We also included interactive call-to-actions where scannable QR code banners appeared during streams, leading viewers to a geo-located ticketing platform for Smile 2 showtimes, without disrupting the immersion.


The Smile 2 Twitch Terror Raid set a new benchmark for influencer-driven horror marketing, breaking records for engagement, and redefining how film campaigns can live in the streaming world.

Eerie Engagement & Reach:

Organic Influencer Buy-In:

Real-World Impact:

The stunt helped to rewrote the Horror playbook showing how movie studios can authentically engage audiences through interactive storytelling across multiple platforms. 


Video for Smile 2 Curses Twitch

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Powster, Paramount Pictures

Entry Credits