"Doctor Odyssey" is a medical drama television series starring Joshua Jackson as Max, a new doctor onboard the beautiful, decadent cruise ship Odyssey. Max and his small team tackle the most unusual medical situations that crop up on the high seas while learning to live with each other in a strange, luxurious, and sometimes dangerous setting.
ABC's objective was to increase awareness around and drive viewers to the new series, building buzz on social media and generating word-of-mouth to create excitement around the "Doctor Odyssey" premiere.
To social video the brand new series, ABC built a social media ad to draw in fans of medical dramas who might have a taste for the sort of high-class living one would find on a cruise liner like the Odyssey. Utilizing an in-ad replication of a common search engine, the type a new passenger might use to place inquiries about their upcoming trip, the promo addresses multiple common questions, such as the beauty and amenities of such a vessel, before taking a more dramatic turn.
The promo built the tension that ABC and the show's creators know that future fans will crave from "Doctor Odyssey." It shows off the opulent vessel with almost brochure-like views of its facilities. After setting the stage, the final "question" posed by the promo reveals the tense, chaotic drama that the series offers in the tradition of scripted medical television, focusing on unusual medical cases and the nuances of its setting.
Creating a balance between the high society elements of the ship and the intense drama hidden under the surface was perfect for piquing interest and drawing viewers to "Doctor Odyssey."
Doctor Odyssey’s premiere garnered 2.2M views on its first 7 days on Disney Streaming (Hulu and Hulu on Disney+.) Within 3 days of viewing, the premiere delivered 7.59M viewers, making it ABC’s best drama premiere in 4 years.