To celebrate the release of the all-new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie “Mutant Mayhem,” we set out to introduce these iconic characters to a new generation. How could we generate buzz for the upcoming film and employ a unique, attention-grabbing look that could feel just as fresh as the film’s brand-new take on the Turtles?
We recreated the trailer for the film using stop motion animation of the new Mutant Mayhem toy line. The simultaneously playful and epic use of toys allowed us to directly target boys ages 4-6. This is a demographic that loves consuming toy content on YouTube, and we wanted to capture their imagination with an elevated execution. Much like the Turtles, this audience is in a time of transformation, navigating the transition from preschool to becoming “big kids.” Since the teenage Turtle characters are going through their own transitional stage, their epic adventures are aspirational to this younger bridge audience. Throughout this recreation, we matched all of the action shot for shot with painstaking attention to detail, giving young viewers a chance to see their favorite characters (and toys!) come to life in a whole new way.
So far this video has been a huge hit on the channel, gaining 1.1M views. The TMNT channel launched this year and so far has been able to reach 2.81M subscribers!