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Special Project

Special Project
From the 16th Annual Shorty Awards

Coca-Cola® Y3000

Silver Honor in Extended Reality


Coca-Cola embarked on an ambitious project centered around the launch of a limited edition

flavor, Y3000, accompanied by a unique experience: the Y3000 AI Cam. This AI-powered

camera promised to offer consumers a glimpse into the future, blending Coca-Cola's vision

with individual creativity. Our primary goal was to create a compelling public relations and

media buzz by leveraging Generative AI, a frontier technology . Our objectives were clear: to

deliver a fun, trendy, and accessible experience that resonates with a diverse, global

audience, and to ensure scalability across more than 30 markets, catering to varying

cultures and languages.

Strategy and Execution

The journey of bringing the Y3000 AI Cam to life was both challenging and exhilarating.  We began by designing a custom AI model, the backbone of the Y3000 experience. The strategy was to streamline our storytelling through a singular, powerful AI execution, making it a compelling narrative for both consumers and media.  Our execution plan was multifaceted. First, we introduced the Coca-Cola® Y3000 world and the Y3000 AI. This served as our 'WTF' moment, teasing the audience with Coke’s optimistic vision of the future. The AI camera experience was the centerpiece, inviting users to interact with their environment in a novel way.

The core user journey was intuitive yet engaging:

1. Scan the Coke product to access the Y3000 AI Cam.

2. Engage with the Y3000 AI to start the experience.

3. In an outdoor setting, users pointed their phones at their surroundings, which the AI

transformed into futuristic visuals.

4. Users then fine-tuned their vision of the future through a novel quadrant slider interface,

allowing for near-infinite personalization. The UI provided a unique and user-friendly way to

customize the image generation prompt behind-the-scenes, from natural to urban, curved to


5. The final step was social sharing, where users exported their co-created future visions as

dynamic, branded video clips..

Challenges included ensuring the experience was simple and relatable, while also being technologically robust for scalability. We overcame these by rigorous testing and adapting the content for cultural relevance in different regions.  The 'OMG' moment deepened engagement, allowing users to transform their current surroundings into a Y3000 futuristic visual. This feature not only enhanced user interaction but also emphasized the innovative edge of the campaign.  Finally, to drive trial and create a sense of urgency (FOMO), we rallied consumers to celebrate their co-created visions and reminded them to try the Y3000 flavor before it disappeared.



The results of the Y3000 AI Cam campaign were phenomenal. We achieved our objective of creating a strong PR hook and generating significant earned buzz:

- 5.2 billion earned media impressions

- named #1 AI Activation of 2023 by Ad Age

- 693k New Visitors to the Coke Hub

The campaign's success lay in its ability to offer a unique, immersive experience that was both enjoyable and accessible to a wide audience.

By enabling users to visualize their personal futures and share these visions, we fostered a deep connection between Coca-Cola and the concept of a hopeful, exciting future. The scalability of the experience across different markets and cultures further amplified its impact, with widespread positive reception and engagement.

The seamless integration of AI technology with a consumer-friendly interface set this campaign apart, marking it as a pioneering effort in interactive marketing. The significant social media traction and user-generated content demonstrated that we not only met but exceeded our objectives. The campaign was not just a success in terms of engagement and reach; it also reinforced Coca-Cola's position as an innovative, forward-thinking brand.



Video for Coca-Cola® Y3000

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Sawhorse Productions and Virtue, Coca-Cola

Entry Credits