The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 16th Annual Shorty Awards

Advancing Health

Entered in Health & Wellness Podcast


Advancing Health is the American Hospital Association’s podcast series. Podcasts feature conversations with hospital and health system leaders on a variety of issues that impact patients and communities.The goal in 2023 has been to grow our audience by improving production value and exploring topics that a wider audience would be interested in. 

Strategy and Execution

We improved our production values by investing in better requipment, improving intros and outros, and working with episode hosts to enhance their skills, and switching to a superior podcast hosting platform. We also focused on SEO with our titles and descriptions, and added features such as episode transcripts. And we focused on social promotion, creating short audiograms and videograms to share on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.  Our episode output increased, and we've often released three episodes per week. We are a small team of three running an entire podcast channel -- we've greatly improved our production process and workflow to maximize efficiency and productivity. 


Our 2023 listens greatly surpassed those in 2022. And our episodes are also being found more in search, which is a testament to our SEO efforts. We've greatly improved the listener experience by switching to a new hosting platform, and will continue to make improvements in 2024. 


Entrant Company / Organization Name

American Hospital Association


Entry Credits