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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Shakespeare Reversed

Finalist in Extended Reality, Immersive


1 in 5 women have been passed over for a promotion in favor of a male colleague. With numerous studies showing how gender holds women back in the workplace,  we set out to shine a light on gender bias by using an iconic patriarchal story–and flipped the script.

Strategy and Execution

Modernizing a 400 year old play to reflect the bias women face today. 

For the first time ever, we took a literary classic that was written and told from the male point of view and retold it from a female perspective. 

In the original play, the villain Iago is furious at Othello about being passed over for a promotion as lieutenant. In this AR musical, we reimagined Iago as a woman–who, consumed by internalized rage for being overlooked simply because of her gender, turns into a vengeful monster. Showing how  patriarchy can make villains out of women who challenge convention.


Empowering the next generation of women through next-gen tech.

Not only did we modernize the story, we also modernized how it was told. Using Verizon’s 5G technology, viewers seamlessly moved from IRL to virtual,  pushing the boundaries of storytelling. 

We built physical platforms with dioramas, scaled to fit on a phone screen or a tablet, so the audience can direct their
own immersive experience with 360-degree engagement. Shakespeare ReVersed leverages technology to reach a
wider audience, and more importantly, get one step closer to reversing gender bias.


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