The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Mindgruve Blog- Food For Your Brain.

Finalist in Blog & Micro-blog


The Mindgruve blog is designed for marketers and industry professionals who are looking for an insider perspective on all things digital marketing, including topics around paid social, analytics, website development, account management and beyond. The main objective is to establish Mindgruve as a thought leader in the digital marketing space by making it a source of truth for industry news, updates, and guides. It’s a page where we can showcase company culture, and provide a platform for employees to share their expertise and insights. Each blog is featured in monthly newsletters that are meant to engage recipients and give them insight into each topic.  


Strategy and Execution

Blog topics are chosen based on audience preferences and blog performance from the month prior. In conjunction with killer graphic images, SEO optimization, and precise copywriting, the blog topics are timely and useful for our audiences. Our strategy is centered around positioning Mindgruve as a source of truth and a thought leader in the digital marketing vertical. 

The strategy of the Mindgruve blog is comprised around the following elements:

Target Audience: Identifying the target audience and creating content that resonates with them and addresses their needs and interests.

Content Creation: Developing a content plan that aligns with Mindgruve’s marketing objectives and provides value to the target audience. This may include a mix of informational posts, digital marketing guides, case studies, and other types of content.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing the blogs for search engines to increase visibility and drive organic traffic to the site. This can be achieved through keyword research, incorporating relevant keywords into blog posts, and including meta descriptions and tags.

Social Media Integration: Promoting blog posts on social media channels to increase reach and engagement, and encourage shares and backlinks.

Lead Generation: Including calls-to-action (CTAs) in blog posts to encourage readers to take action, such as signing up for the newsletter or scheduling a consultation.

Measurement and Optimization: Measuring the success of the blog through metrics such as traffic, engagement, and lead generation, and continuously optimizing the blog strategy to achieve better results.

Overall, the strategy behind the Mindgruve blog is to create valuable and relevant content that drives traffic, generates leads, and supports the company's integrated marketing goals.


Mindgruve published 6% more blog posts in 2022 with an  86% increase in blog traffic year-over-year due to applying learnings and optimizations. Additionally, there was a 7% increase in traffic from the top 5 blog posts YoY. The most visited blog in 2022 was the "Google Analytics vs Google Analytics 360" blog that shared the differentiators between the two products. Blogs with a high volume of clicks were Adweek and Digiday conference recaps, 2023 predictions for paid search, and agency achievements and news. High performing blogs tend to be a mixture of industry news, industry education, and predictions. Mindgruve prioritizes maintaining a healthy mix of topics to maintain or increase website traffic. Blogs that cover Amazon marketing tips and other educational pieces continue to contribute to a high volume of traffic month-over-month, including topics like Amazon Prime Day and affiliate marketing. After conducting A/B tests over a month-to-month period, Mindgruve was able to define optimal posting times and pinpoint content that resonates well with our target audiences. Mindgruve plans to continue altering and enhancing the blog strategy based on these insights, and optimize content based on user interest and engagement. 



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