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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Getting Savvy About Synthroid

Entered in Facebook


Hypothyroidism is a very common condition and recent data estimates around 30 million Americans are affected. The prevalence of hypothyroidism increases with age and is more common in women. The treatment landscape is complex, with a steady growth of generic options. So in this crowded space, how does a brand with over 65 years of helping millions of patients manage hypothyroidism continue to redefine the category while also educating patients and keeping them engaged with the brand to become our biggest advocates? 

Strategy and Execution

To effectively manage hypothyroidism there are several key components to treatment success. First, a close collaboration with doctors is critically important to get and maintain thyroid hormone levels in the recommended range. Second, the patient needs to take Synthroid the same way every day. For example, even the way Synthroid is taken can affect how much medicine is absorbed by the body because certain foods and supplements can interfere with how Synthroid works.  

To support these key patient needs, AbbVie partnered with LiveWorld to use social media as a pathway to reach patients and drive discussions with their doctors about Synthroid. Discussions range from taking it the right way, to how certain foods and supplements can interfere with how Synthroid works, to education about Synthroid’s 12 precise dosing options.  

By using highly creative messaging and concepts that consistently cut through the clutter and break the mold of typical pharma ads on social media, the program takes the mundane and makes it highly engaging. Because of such, this brand has continued to keep audiences educated, engaged, and motivated to take action. 


Campaign performance from Q1 2022 through Q4 2022 verified the enormity of the educational gap and how successfully we filled it. Hundreds of patients indicated astonishment with the educational content with comments like “33 years on Synthroid and no one ever told me about walnuts!” Our critical messages garnered a reach of 22 million and had video views of more than 45M. Synthroid patients found the content so valuable they amplified it with 10,000 comments, and more than 5,000 shares and invited others they know with hypothyroidism with @mentions more than 5,000 times. Plus, we extended the educational value by driving 210,000 landing page views and engagement with more than 20,000 key website actions. 

In addition, significant efforts have been taken to use social media in order to promote Synthroid’s Patient Support Programs including their copay card and the Synthroid Delivers Program, a direct-to-patient, direct-to-pay pharmacy program to ensure patients consistently receive brand-name Synthroid for as little as $25 per month (for a 90-day script). 

But perhaps the most significant aspect of the program is a 15% average engagement rate compared with a 4% industry benchmark, proving a best-in-class example that continues to make waves year after year. 


Entrant Company / Organization Name

LiveWorld Inc., Synthroid from AbbVie Inc.


Entry Credits