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Special Project

Special Project
From the 15th Annual Shorty Awards

Galileo NFT

Entered in NFTs


Our goal was to engage Galileo’s top clients, developing their relationship with Galileo with brand and the Galileo team.  We proposed a celebration of Galileo’s presence in  Latin American in a unique way that generates excitement among members of the fintech community.  The objective was to position Galileo as an innovative brand  while offering their customers an extraordinary experience  to start off new relationship or consolidate existing ones.

Strategy and Execution

As Galileo offices are located in one of the newest, tallest and most iconic buildings in Mexico City,Torre Reforma, we took advantage of a terrace on the 23rd floor to create a sophisticated atmosphere that would allow us to receive all our guests from the Fintech community. A night full of fun, with unique decor, alluding to the technological future that only Galileo can offer its clients.


To start out the night and break the ice we provided our guests with a music performance accompanied by some words from the Galileo LATAM’s CEO. It was a night with good music, food and drinks  - all specially designed for the event.


But beyond just spending a good evening together, we wanted to give our guests something special as well as symbolic of their membership in the Galileo community. To achieve this, we created a piece of design never.  This design, never  before presented in the financial industry, personifies each solution’s critical center of operations and highlights the  Fintech links between companies/partners/institutions that strengthen and drive the evolution of our services.


With the best performance in the industry, GL•MX1 is a macro technology chip that represents the future of financial transactions.  It is the icon of transformation in a market that is constantly evolving and in need of differentiated strategies, by solid companies backed by  stable digital platforms that provide solutions to the new trends in Neobanking, Investments, Payments, Card Issuance, Credits, and the Virtual Economy.


The motherboard is made up of 120 nanocircuits, each one provides a vital and specific component for a pre-programmed function that accelerates the process of solutions  now present in Mexico Each one of these nanocircuits was represented by a unique and numbered NFT. Together, these 120 NFT’s  formed the Big Canvas piece.


 We created an Open Sea project where guests could not only view the Big Canvas piece but also read about the meaning of each element. The overarching theme was a visual demonstration of how Galileo provides a link to each guest and how each one of them contributes to creating value.


At the entrance to the event,  visitors were greeted with projections of the Big Canvas which became the centerpiece of the event. After words by Tory Jackson, the Director of Strategy and Business Development for Latin America, NFTs were dispersed to the wallets of all 120 attendees via contact information previously gathered at the event registration. Upon receiving the notification, guests  had one more memorable element  to share during the evening.


As they left the event, each guests was  given a printout of the completed piece within which they could locate their own NFT's .  This final interaction drove home the message that each of the guests in their own way, just like their individual NFT’s are all part of something much bigger.  All this drove home the point that NFTs, like relationships between professionals, are unique and acquire greater value over time.


All the guests were surprised to receive the notification from their wallet. Several of them also shared it on their LinkedIn profiles sharing images and positive comments about the  anniversary event. Above all, guests expressed appreciation for  idea of ​​having an NFT specially made for them. They showed it off.


This is just the beginning of the achievements obtained with the NFT giveaway. By making attendees feel that they’re important and valued members of the Galileo community, the NFTs strengthened the ties that connect Galileo and its community.



Video for Galileo NFT

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Pachuco, Galileo Financial Technologies


Entry Credits