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Special Project

Special Project
From the 14th Annual Shorty Awards

No Denying It: The UN Climate Action Podcast

Finalist in Podcast Mini Series


Climate fatigue is real-- the stories of activists doing what they can, with whatever tools they have, help us feel empowered to do the same.“


No Denying It" brings listeners the voices of young climate change makers from across our warming planet. These activists, engineers and entrepreneurs show us how we can make big changes - in our homes, our jobs, where we pray, and with our family and friends. Because we all have to start somewhere - but the important thing is to get started.


Each episode highlights the influential work of a young climate activist and is headlined by a notable name— from UNDP Goodwill Ambassador and actress, Michelle Yeoh, to Drag Queen and Math Communicator, Kyne. No Denying It is meant to accentuate personal solutions, help ease climate change-related anxieties and inspire people to take up the fight against the climate crisis wherever they are, with whatever tools they have.

Strategy and Execution

No Denying It, the UN climate action podcast, aims to demystify climate change while offering its listeners tangible steps to combat the threat of a warming planet via the inspiring stories of guests interviewed. The conversation-style tone is light-hearted and consumable, leaving listeners walking away from an episode with a better understanding of the problem, a grasp on real solutions, and ideas of how to be a force of positive change.


The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic meant all interviews were conducted remotely, with the series co-produced by a team based across the United States. The final product was a ten-part series with an average run time of 20 minutes per episode. Each show is introduced by a different notable name, from UN Goodwill Ambassadors to actors and social media stars, who guide the listener to a conversation between our host and a climate activist.


No Denying it aired beginning 26 August, 2021 on a weekly distribution schedule, across all major podcast platforms (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud etc.) each Thursday in the lead up to the COP26 Climate Summit in November. UN News and the United Nations flagship social media accounts lead promotion using a cross-channel strategy, back promoting each episode on a weekly basis using series branded content including video, graphics and animated materials. Social media promotion was amplified by posts from notable names like Edward Norton, Jane Goodall and Michelle Yeoh, guests featured on the series who shared the series on their web channels, totaling more than 30 million in audience.


The UN liaised with partner podcast platforms to provide additional promotional opportunities, including application push notifications, banners and landing page features. In addition, No Denying it was featured on main UN webpages, newsletters and UN teams social media around the globe as part of the promotional strategy.


No Denying It goes beyond addressing the threat of climate change, the series rather aims to help listeners find their place in the global movement for climate action, and drive them to center the climate in their personal, professional and community lives. The reality of a warming globe can seem overwhelming and paralyzing, but the stories of young activists doing what they can, no matter where in the world, aims to mobilize and empower listeners. Without pointing fingers or assuming expertise, the series highlights individual stories which demonstrate positive change is within reach.  No Denying It finds its unique place by honestly presenting the problem, offering solutions, and making a promising future for the planet feel palpable.


No Denying it has garnered 1.6 million listens and downloads to date. The series has more than 175 thousand subscribers, with listeners tuning in from 199 countries.


In terms of social media promotional success, posts dedicated to No Denying It gained significant interest from the UN News accounts audiences, with series-related content holding the top three spots in terms of reach at the time of the series distribution.


The team produced exceptional branded content specific to each show, including photo and quote cards and episode graphics to brings a compelling visual element to the audio medium.


No Denying It delivered on the objective of meeting publication expectations for its global listenership, and achieving internal and external promotional goals, with more in process for 2022.


The series was featured on major United Nations web platforms and main pages, and landed a review by climate writer Brit Wray on the author's Gen Dread web publication in October. The platform aims to ease the woe’s of eco-anxiety, “gathering ingredients for good mental and emotional health in the climate and wider ecological crisis.”


Following the final episode air date on 28 October, No Denying It has began submitting for review by major media outlets including the New York Times, The Guardian, and The Washington Post.


Video for No Denying It: The UN Climate Action Podcast

Entrant Company / Organization Name

United Nations


Entry Credits