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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

Russell Reads Reddit for Unhinged

Winner in Reddit


Most new studios with the unfortunate luck of launching during the middle of a pandemic would panic - but Solstice Studios isn’t most studios. They knew that Unhinged, their tentpole thriller about a man (Russell Crowe) pushed over the edge by the modern world, might take on some additional resonance during a moment when everyone’s on edge and everything feels terrifying. They just needed to find an approach anchored in the fun of movies rather than the dread of *gestures broadly in the direction of 2020* Fortunately, we knew just what subreddit to turn to. 


Strategy and Execution

Reddit is a place where the internet comes together to find answers to life’s toughest questions: Is my relationship healthy? Does anyone else feel like this? And, most importantly, am I the asshole? Well, we knew one person who certainly was - Russell Crowe’s unnamed protagonist in Unhinged. Maybe if we brought Russell together with /r/AITA, the sparks would fly. 


So we asked Russell if he’d film himself reading some of our favorite posts to /r/AITA. The toughest part was picking our favorites - after all, /r/AITA has more than two and a half million subscribers who’ve shared hundreds of thousands of truly spectacular stories (plus god only knows how many equally incredible comments) over the years. But we made a few selects, packaged them up for Russell, and waited to see what we got back. 



We reeled in a monster. Our clips helped propel Unhinged to #1 openings in eleven international territories before achieving the same feat here in the United States. Gratifyingly, our star really seemed to get a kick out of reading the subreddit’s best (and worst); if you’re an /r/AITA regular, know that Russell Crowe was definitely entertained. Most importantly, we got people to come back to the movies and gave people a taste of normalcy during a year that was definitely the asshole. 



Video for Russell Reads Reddit for Unhinged

Entrant Company / Organization Name

O2, Solstice Studios

Entry Credits