The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!

Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards

#WellnessOwned with Natrol

Finalist in Brand Identity


It's not news that there's been a health and wellness revolution that has sparked over the last decade. From kale to essential oils, aerial yoga and teatoxes – consumers and brands are hard at work re-inventing the modern picture of health. Consumers particularly are thinking now more than ever about how they can maximize their health, stay youthful and create longevity.

Who are the consumers driving this health bandwagon? At Natrol, we call them wellness enthusiasts. Wellness enthusiasts lead an active and healthy lifestyle. They know what vitamins they need to take and do their own brand research. They believe in healthy eating and regular exercise is a constant in their lives. Our Natrol target specifically is a mom who is family-motivated and has an optimistic, take-charge attitude.

With the rise of this health and wellness revolution sparked Natrol's need to stand out in a cluttered space - with a social identity that would not only speak to their target, but engage the peripheral healthy living advocates out there.

Our goal was simple: Breathe new life into Natrol's social presence - from launching an Instagram channel to revamping across Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest in order to drive meaningful brand awareness and consumer engagement.

Strategy and Execution

Rather than placing blatant product shots and plain marketing messaging across our social channels and in posts - we took an entirely different approach by focusing on creative ways in as a means to speak to our wellness enthusiast target.

To start, we did a ton of research. We looked at our wellness enthusiast's demographics, driving attitudes, current VMS (vitamin, mineral, supplement) usage, telling behaviors and functional/emotional needs. We looked at what she was engaging with in social, what trends she was following, and who she trusted to get her information from. We also looked at her general attitudes about health and about the VMS category in order to get inside her head and think about the type of social content that would be most useful for her.

From there, we designed content pillars, topics, filters and goals in order to truly make sure we were creating inspired content with purpose, empathy (we are all so inundated with brand content and messaging!), and utility.

The resulting social branding and library of content speaks for itself - it's fun, different, interactive - and most importantly - it makes you feel something, just like Natrol products do.

From brain game GIFs that tested the wellness enthusiast's ability to follow the vitamin underneath the cap of the product's bottle to utilizing Instagram's carousel feature with 3 images that made up one whole - our content is lifestyle-focused while shedding light on Natrol's core product benefit areas - brain health, sleep, beauty, and mood and stress.


Our mission was to set a new paradigm for Natrol's owned social operation across channels. Since May 2017, we've produced consistent, brand-defining social creative that is backed by research and brand relevant insights.

The level of engagement we see from the wellness enthusiast target is incredibly strong - proving that we're adding education, utility and a bit of fun to her busy lifestyle and ultimately helping her proactively own her family's health. In nine months, we've driven over 20MM impressions and over 28K engagements across Natrol's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest - with minimal paid dollars.

From May 1st, 2017 to February 2018, our Facebook fans increased 1.2%, impressions increased 2,529% and engagements increased over 25.9% since the same time period one year prior. Similarly, on Twitter, our follower base has increased 0.7%, impressions have increased over 1,061% and engagements have increased over 6,339.3%. On Pinterest, our follower count increased over 45% and our average monthly engaged is up over 300% compared to the previous period. Finally, since launching on Instagram, our followers have increased over 164% and we've driven over 7.6K total engagements.


Video for #WellnessOwned with Natrol

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Citizen Relations, Natrol LLC, - a subsidiary of Aurobindo Pharma USA Inc.


Entry Credits