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Special Project

Special Project
From the 10th Annual Shorty Awards


Winner in Kids & Lifestyle

Audience Honor in Kids & Lifestyle


storybooth is an innovative animated storytelling platform that collects real stories from young people in their own words, animates the best of them, and publishes them on our YouTube channel, website and mobile app.

Our mission is to create a platform that empowers kids through the telling of their true stories to help them feel connected, inspired, and not so alone in the world.

A storybooth animated short emotionally resonates with our audience because they cover the real things that happen to kids; from a first kiss, to getting cyber-bullied, to being caught in an embarrassing moment - we are not afraid to go where our young viewers want to go and animate the stories that make up their lives.

Combining true storytelling, with short form animation allows us to elevate these true stories in a way that young adults connect to, are entertained by, and watch over and over and over again.

Strategy and Execution

Putting our audience front and center has driven the strategies we have put into motion. Delivering on what our audience expects from digital content is what has made the platform grow so quickly and experience such high levels of engagement.

Our offering had to be:

Co-created - young adults like to create and we provided them with a platform where they play in the content we produce. storybooth has received over 90,000 stories - the appetite for potentially seeing your story animated fuels our offering.

Authentic - young audiences crave authenticity. All stories we publish are edited as recorded - real kids, telling real stories. Stories are un-guided and non-prompted, inspired only by the experiences of the young people telling them.

Organic - all of storybooth's growth has been organically generated based on our audience connecting to our content first, none of it bought.

Relatable, Entertaining, Engaging, and Inspiring - young adults relate to the stories we produce because they are real, told by their peers, about the very things they are going through. Stories illicit laughter, loathing, compassion, sympathy, connection, passion, and a sense of belonging.

Relevant and Present - the stories we produce are based on the submissions we receive - therefore relevance is extremely high because we produce "the pulse" of our youth. Our production turnaround is quick so we can quickly release stories that are current.

Short, Easy, Mobile - our videos are always three-minutes or less, and story submission is one-click-in-app

Authentic Marketing- we have enabled a marketing strategy centered on collaboration and co-distribution with rising and established YouTuber personalities. We create a storybooth animation of YouTube influencers based on the stories they tell, they distribute it on their channel and promote us authentically. This strategy has allowed us to draw the right audience in the right way


Our key metric for success is based on are we growing and engaging our audience while entertaining young people and making an impact. Our organic growth continues to rise:

-between all channels we have been viewed over 350 million times

-We have over 1 million subscribers on YouTube

-stories receive an average of 1 million views in the first week of publishing and continue to grow at a 5-7% pace

-we have garnered over 5 million comments, likes and shares

-over 90,000 stories have been submitted by young people

We have also received meaningful press from media such as:

-Fast Company



-Huffington Post

In 2017, as a new upcoming company, we received substantial recognition by winning key categories in:

-Webby Awards

-Shorty Awards

-Telly Awards


Video for storybooth

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