Henry Mandelbaum is a Brazilian / Polish creative leader currently working a Global Creative & Innovation Director at 20Dash. Over the last 15 years, he has worked for for some of the biggest agencies in the world in Brazil, Portugal and Mexico, handling clients like Colgate Palmolive, Dell, Bridgestone, American Express, Amazon, Jameson, Mentos, Fruit-tella, Bradesco, among others. Henry was also the Copy Lead/ Creative Director in the team that build the In-House agency at PicPay one of the biggest tech companies in Brazil, helping the company to grow from 12 million users to 50 million. He has been recognized at the most important Festivals in the world, like Cannes Lions, MAD Stars, Clube da Criatividade de Portugal, CCSP, among others. Henry is also an amateur magician and music producer.
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