The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media and digital. View this season's finalists!
From the 6th Annual Shorty Awards

Sarah Walton

Finalist in Keep Good Going

About Sarah Walton

Sarah Walton is co-founder and CEO of Better Way Moms, which was founded on Mother’s Day in 2009. Before Better Way Moms, she spent her 15-year career in small start-ups and large corporations. Her career has taken her from Los Angeles to pitch company products, to New York’s male-dominated boardrooms and venture capital funds. She has worked for,, and Mindspark, an IAC company. The tug-of-war Sarah experienced between her career and the time she wanted with her children, drove her to create Better Way Moms. She knew it was time to put her skills towards supporting other parents. Sarah created workshops and retreats, and offers speaking engagements to support others as they explore their own "Better Way" to balance parenting and life. She is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, is actively involved with New Jersey Digital Moms and The National Association of Professional Women. Sarah, with her husband and kids, live in New Jersey. In today's hectic world, parents don't sit on stoops drinking coffee while they watch the kids. They don't gather around the local cul-de-sac while the kids ride bikes. Sure, it happens, but it's not as common as it once was. Today, social media is the communal stoop. Parents can share current struggles, latest triumphs, heartbreaks and parenting wins. This is how people communicate with peers and Sarah has harnessed this power to make every conversation a quick "cup of coffee" with other parents who are working so hard to make the world a better place for the generation coming up. Parents want to know that they're doing an ok job, they want the latest information on parenting, child psychology and development. They want to know that they're not alone, and that other parents are experiencing the same challenges they're having. Sarah and Better Way Moms provide a safe haven, and often a funny one, for parents to come and chat about what's most important to them.

Sarah Walton's best work on social