Level Up is Cartoon Network's brand new original television series. This live-action comedy follows the adventures of four high school students after they unwittingly open a portal of a video game into the real world. Now characters from the game start leaking through and the group must balance their everyday lives with the extraordinary things that show up in their town. The Level Up branded YouTube page is intended to bring forth what kids love about the series and what makes it unique. In addition, it breaks through the clutter with mind-blowing creative that is highly interactive. The YouTube page introduces viewers to up and coming talent, immerses the viewers into the premise of a video game coming to life and invites viewers to experience an interactive YouTube channel featuring the promo spots and tune-in messaging in a mind-blowing manner. In addition, the purpose of the interactive channel is to generate mega-reach/ frequency with our target audience (K6-14). The Level Up Youtube page has had over 1 million views with pre-roll ads driving over 800k trailer views.
www.youtube.com/levelup http://toonview.turner.com/View/2e1d062w072p2b1p071d