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Special Project

Special Project
From the 13th Annual Shorty Awards

Obsess Together

Audience Honor in Facebook

Entered in Filter/Lens


In a year full of 😱😱😱, we wanted to bring some 🎉🎉🎉 by highlighting Facebook Groups that use our platform to create their own happy place.

Strategy and Execution

Fandoms, alternate realities, odd hobbies, and the most-obsessed-over interests all exist in the ever-expanding universe that is Facebook Groups. ‘Obsess Together’ gave us the opportunity to celebrate those Groups that help us find people who love what we love by inviting people to find their own safe corners of the internet, spend as much time there as they well please, and encourage all their friends to come play.

And play we did. A rich mix of thumb-stopping videos, moving posters, AR filters, playable ads, 360˚ experiences and more made up the campaign. We delivered a truly mobile first approach that didn't just tell an obsession-worthy story but immersed our audience within it. 


Once out in the world, the campaign invited millions of people to throw it back to the 90’s together; explore the depths of the ocean with fellow Octo-fanatics; level up with Qweerty Gamers; and more! 


Video for Obsess Together

Entrant Company / Organization Name

Facebook App & Creative X


Entry Credits